new creation transport

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February 16, 2011 10:50 am

The trucking industry is already hurting financially and you want to impose another expense to an already small profit margin. We rely on truckers to deliver our product on time. Shippers and receivers need to be made more accountable for what they expect from truckers. Truckers can only do so much with the current regulations placed on them.

February 17, 2011 12:19 pm

It sounds like you agree with another commenter, pfifreight, that truckers can only do so much under both current trucking regulations and the proposed EOBR regulations because shippers and receivers are not held more accountable for their part in the process. Is there a way to make shippers and receivers have a bigger stake in compliance to lower the burden on truckers? Are there other ways for FMCSA to lower the costs of the proposed regulation?

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